Good Afternoon SRCE Families:
Today has been an exciting day for our children, students, families and staff as we begin the 2024-2025 school year.
Our preparations for a successful start to the school year have gone well. I would like to thank parents and guardians for your ongoing support and everything you have been doing to prepare your children for their return to school. As always, if you require additional support, please do not hesitate to reach out to school administration who will be able to connect you with the appropriate help.
I would also like to thank Strait Regional Centre for Education staff for their incredible efforts in helping us ensure we had the required resources and people in place to support our return to school. There has been a tremendous amount of work done behind the scenes to prepare for the start of the school year.
Our focus will continue to be on working together to support our students’ well-being, achievement and overall success. As we transition to the new school year, our staff will focus on renewing relationships and building community in respectful, safe and inclusive learning environments.
There are a number of exciting initiatives that will support student well-being and achievement being implemented this year including the Provincial Directive on Cell Phone Use in Schools and the provincial School Lunch Program. In addition, a review of the Provincial School Code of Conduct Policy is underway.
Stand Up Against Bullying Day in Nova Scotia is scheduled for Thursday, September 12, 2024. Since 2007, the Province of Nova Scotia and education partners have recognized the second Thursday in September as Stand Up Against Bullying Day.
Students, staff, families and community partners are encouraged to wear pink to support Stand Up Against Bullying Day as it is a time to celebrate and recognize the importance of welcoming, positive, safe, respectful, inclusive and healthy learning environments and relationships.
Schools are planning excellent activities and events to raise awareness and promote the significance of healthy, respectful and responsible relationships as well as kindness, respect and diversity in our schools, at home and in our communities on this day, and throughout the school year.
How to Stay Informed?
The SRCE and schools use a variety of communication platforms, including print, online and social media, to regularly update and share information with students, parents, guardians, staff and community partners on a variety of education matters. These platforms include:
• SRCE website (https://srce.ca/) and school websites;
• X (@SRCE_NS);
• Regional Executive Director of Education’s Report to School Communities in the SRCE;
• Stay Informed Notification System for class/bus announcements and news items/stories;
• Subscribe to the SRCE YouTube Channel @SRCE_NS;
• Region-wide email and text alerts to parents and guardians. As a reminder, if you have a cell number on file at your child’s school and have not yet opted in to receive text messages, please text Yes to 978338 to continue to receive text messages. If you do not opt in, you will not receive any text messages from your child’s school or the SRCE. If your email and/or cell number has changed, please advise your respective school.
• Local newspapers; and
• Local radio stations.
I wish everyone a safe and successful school year.
Paul Landry
Regional Executive Director of Education
Strait Regional Centre for Education
304 Pitt Street, Unit 2
Port Hawkesbury, NS B9A 2T9
902-625-2191/1-800-650-4448; 902-625-2281 (fax)
[email protected] / www.srce.ca
Follow SRCE on X @SRCE_NS