Health Promoting Schools

For any questions related to Health Promoting Schools, please contact Scott GoyetcheCoordinator of Health Promoting Schools, 902-625-7083.

Comprehensive school health is an internationally recognized framework for supporting improvements in students’ educational outcomes while addressing school health in a planned, integrated and holistic way.

It is not just about what happens in the classroom. Rather, it encompasses the whole school environment with actions addressing four distinct but inter-related pillars that provide a strong foundation for comprehensive
school health:
• social and physical environment;
• teaching and learning;
• healthy school policy; and
• partnerships and services

The Health Promoting Schools committee is composed of various partnerships with collaboration from members of the SRCE, Public Health, Department of Communities Culture and Heritage and others who help develop an action plan aligned with the four pillars, the SRCE’s Equity Plan and System Improvement Plan. Funding through HPS is used to support food programming at each school ensuring ALL schools offer a 5-day breakfast program. Goals within the action plan are intended to support, maintain, and establish wellness initiatives within our schools to support student learning. For instance, students, staff and other SRCE faculty have the option to apply for funding through micro-grants to purchase items that will benefit the well-being of students. 

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