Grade 10 and 11 Students - Be The Student Voice - Become a Member of the SRCE Regional Student Advisory Committee (RSAC)

Are you an open-minded individual with a passion for sharing your ideas and inspiring positive change?
Make a difference and impact your school community by representing your fellow students.
As a member of the SRCE RSAC, responsibilities include:
- providing information and advice on topics related to student well-being, achievement and other aspects of student experiences;
- learning about school, regional and provincial initiatives;
- connecting with the Minister's Student Advisory Committee;
- meeting up to three times per year; and
- committing to membership for up to two years.
Your Voice Can Make a Difference!
Your Input Matters!
For more information, please contact your school principal.
To submit an Expression of Interest, please complete the SRCE RSAC Form available at the following link:
Deadline to submit an Expression of Interest is Friday, March 22, 2024.